- News From Libya -

Charge d'Affaires Khaled Al-Daief meets with State Department Officers Bindi Patel and Patrick Ball

 Mar 01, 2022

On March 22nd, 2022, Chargé d’Affaires Khaled Al-Daief and other Embassy staff hosted Deputy Director for Libya in the Office of North Africa in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Bindi K. Patel and Libya Desk Officer Patrick M. Ball of the U.S. State Department. In their meeting, they discussed political developments and how to carry forward with the elections in Libya.  Moreover, Mr. Daief thanked Ms. Patel, Mr. Ball, and the State Department for the United States’ continued support in emphasizing security and stability in Libya. Mr. Daief, Ms. Patel, and Mr. Ball shared in consensus their determination to continue to strengthen the relationship between the United States and Libya.

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